For campers and staff this week at MCC, water was incorporated in many activities and the tie dye elective created some wave effect designs on the t-shirts, for those who chose to participate in it.
Capture the Trident was played for another elective, which was based on the game of Capture the Flag with added features like ‘Tsunami’, which meant that when the air horn was sounded the campers had to fall to the ground.
Water experiments were carried out in Rocketry and Mad Science, for example, ‘walking water’ where a paper towel was folded into a strip and one end dipped into a tub of water with food coloring and the other end dipped into a tub of water and it was interesting to see the color change from one end of the paper towel to the other.
Keeping with the water theme, the game of Ships and Sailors was led by the CITs at the pool for free time and was enjoyed by both campers and staff.
Water was also used in shelter building for Outdoor Adventure to test the durability of the shelters, which had been constructed by the campers in pairs.
Atlantis All Camp started with the tale that King Neptune and his trident were lost and the campers were split into 2 teams, one team of mermaids to find him and the other team of archaeologists to find his trident, with a game of Nuk’em played as the first mission for clues to find both.
Once this was completed the clues guided the mermaids to Whale Watch (low ropes element) and the archaeologists to Bermuda Triangle (low ropes element) where each team had to work together to complete the element before receiving their next clue, which led them to the alternate ropes element.
The mermaids were successful in finding King Neptune, who they had to hydrate with water pistols and the archaeologists were successful in finding King Neptune’s trident. As both teams led what they had found, to the pool to try and raise Atlantis there was an Air Raid on upper field with campers having to run round obstacles and dodge water balloons but both teams of mermaids and archaeologists managed to survive.
Treasure was found at the bottom of the pool by diving down for it and rafts had to be constructed out of floats, noodles and rope to transport King Neptune and his trident across the water to the lost city of Atlantis. However, there was a tidal wave which destroyed the first raft and the second raft had to be deployed, which managed to transport King Neptune and his trident over to the lost city of Atlantis and all rejoiced with ice-cream sundaes.
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