There was excitement in the air and high energy as Middlesex County Camp kicked off its first week! The staff just couldn’t contain their excitement for the big day! Campers were welcomed with big hugs and smiles and cheered on as they arrived.
Meal times were extra special this week because we were able to arrange the dining hall tables into one large circle and have family styled meals with the entire camp. Campers and staff enjoyed this family like atmosphere and it quickly continued in all aspects of camp. From cabin activities to all camp, everyone was together and having so much fun!
Monday night was filled with the traditional tie-dye station, dinosaur sand-art necklaces, and a game of Nukem, a volleyball court game filled with sand, explosions and fun! Being that it was everyone’s first full day of camp, it was the perfect ending to an exciting and fun filled Monday!
This week’s all camp was extremely successful and had everyone laughing and cheering! In keeping with the dinosaur theme we had a fun packed night escaping from the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park. We tiptoed over dino eggs, crossed rickety bridges, and zip-lined from mountains! It was a very close call as everyone raced to safety and narrowly escaped the hungry pack of angry dinosaurs! Lucky we stuck together and made it out alive!
A huge pat on the back to the staff members who worked extremely hard this week to make sure each and every camper had memorable experience that would last a lifetime! You did an amazing job! If happiness is measured in smiles, we can safely say that Week 1 has been super successful! We hope to see many more weeks just like this one!
For more photos, visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/middlesexcountycamp.