At the start of week four, we welcomed the kids with the enchanting theme of Once Upon A Time. The kids enjoyed a variety of activities throughout the week that were all based on fairy tales and Disney movies.
On Monday, all of the campers were able to choose from a variety of electives to participate in during the time after dinner. Tie-dye was a huge hit this week and almost forty shirts, shorts, hats, and sweatshirts were made by the end of the night. Another group learned all about ballroom dancing, the dance of fairy tales and princess movies. A third activity was ultimate Frisbee which was held on upper field.
Tuesday nights are typically the night during which everyone sleeps out in the woods, but the rain caused a little change in our plans. However, we worked through it, and then everyone played dodgeball and gaga in upper field. Afterwards, the entire camp headed out into the woods to play a few rounds of Scout.
Wednesday was the ultimate event of the week in which the kids participated in All Camp. Working with the theme of the week, the kids were broken into groups with three counselors. The kids had to work together to dress up each of the counselors into a prince, princess, and villain. After a little while, everyone came together in the Morton Building. The counselors had to introduce themselves, lip sync to a classic Disney song, and perform in a skit that included everyone in the group. At the end of the night, the winning prince was Aladdin, the winning princess was Ana from Frozen, and the winning villain was Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. The kids had a fantastic time dressing up their counselors and everyone laughed the entire night.
Finally on Thursday, we switched things up a little bit. Because of the rain on Tuesday, the kids weren’t able to cook in the woods. So instead, the kids cooked hamburgers, hotdogs, and s’mores out in the woods on this night. After everyone was finished eating, everyone came back to camp and got ready for the dance. Everyone danced the rest of the night away, singing along with every song.
Overall, the week was fantastic for everyone. Everyone had plenty of laughs and enjoyed the enchanting elements incorporated for Once Upon A Time.