Camp Testimonials 2013: The Food


Camps worldwide have the reputation of serving less-than-awesome food, so much so that it’s a constant worry for the parents of our campers. Rather than assure you ourselves about how great our food is, here’s what parents and campers from 2013 had to say about their dining experiences at camp:

  1. The girls loved trying new foods, which they don’t do at home. I liked how they had duties like serving other campers when it was their night to help out.
  2. The food choices were numerable and healthy. My son loved interacting with the kitchen staff while serving.
  3. Food was very good, definitely above average when compared to similar camps. My kids were very happy with the quality of the food.
  4. [My Camper] LOVED the food… which is huge!
  5. My son had nothing but wonderful things to say about the food.
  6. She said the food choices were excellent and she really enjoyed everything!!

So there you have it! If you’re considered MCC for your summer camp, you’ll have nothing to worry about concerning your culinary options here!