There were many electives to choose from this week including– soccer where it was England vs South Africa, which proved an exciting game and produced a score of 4-4. Volleyball was played too, with the American and Australian flags attached to the net to represent the teams playing.
MCC 2016: Week 6: Space is a Place
Space is a place started with the question of ‘Where in space would you like to live?’ at campfire, when the counselors introduced themselves.
For electives Spaceball (Kickball) was played and there was tie dye where meteor showers of color were added to clothing and there was also a pool party, which was out of this world!
MCC 2016: Week 5: Hide and Seek
For week 5 we all had a lot of fun with hide ‘n’ seek week!
Even the professional photo taken for this week had a hide ‘n’ seek theme, as one photo of the dining hall was taken without anyone in it, to look as though everyone was hiding and the other had the whole camp as always. Now you see us, now you don’t!